Tag Archives: PUlp Curry

Pulp Curry added to National Library of Australia’s web archive


In a sign of just how much Australia’s culture is on the skids, this site, Pulp Curry, is to be added in the National Library of Australia’s PANDORA Archive.

PANDORA is the National Library e-archive dedicated to enabling the long term preservation of online publications to ensure Australians have access to their documentary heritage now and in the future.

It’s a wonderful honour for my site to be included on the PANDORA Archive. I also get a thrill out of the fact that future generations will be able to check out my musings on Australian and international crime fiction and film, obscure pulp novels and associated topics.

For some reason, it reminds me of that scene from one of my favourite seventies dystopian science fiction films, Rollerball, when Jonathan E visits the super computer Zero to try and find out more about the corporations running the planet.

This is what he finds:

Photo credit: Angela SavageRead more

View from the transit lounge

I spent ages trying to think of a snappy heading for this post.

In the end I settled on ‘View from the transit lounge’, because as an aspiring author it’s easy to feel like you are always stuck in the transit lounge, feverishly clutching your manuscript like a boarding pass, watching other writers start or continue their literary journeys, while you… well, whatever, you get my general drift.

Moments of doubt aside, 2011 is shaping up to be a good year for me writing-wise.

Exhibit A is this website. If it’s your first visit, welcome. If you’ve been here before, you may notice that I’ve had a bit of work done. Actually, a lot of work.

Thanks to Rowan McKnaught from Studio Skiing for doing such a high quality, reasonably priced job, and for putting up with all my technologically illiterate questions.

I started Pulp Curry in mid-2010 to publicise the manuscript for my unpublished crime novel, Cambodia Darkness and Light. While that’s still a big part of why I’m doing it, the site has taken on a life of its own, getting quite a lot of traffic and giving me the opportunity to sound off on various obsessions about crime film and writing.

Time permitting (I’ve got a day job, you know), hopefully, it’ll go onto bigger and better things.… Read more