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Tag Archives: Cocktail (1988)
Roger Donaldson double feature: Sleeping Dogs (1977) and Smash Palace (1981)

To the degree that I was familiar with the film career of director Roger Donaldson, it was probably because he made what I would argue is one of the best American thrillers of the eighties, No Way Out (1987).
Donaldson actually had a pretty lengthy and productive directorial career after he decamped to Hollywood in the early 1980s from his native New Zealand: The Bounty (1984), Marie (1985), Cocktail (1988 – a terrible but successful film which gets a pass from me only because it features another Antipodean who was making his way in the US film industry in the 1980s, Bryan Brown), the psychological thriller, White Sands (1992), the wonderful hot garbage that was his 1994 remake of Jim Thompson’s The Getaway, with Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, and the better than average action sci fi film, Species (1995).
But over the weekend I finally caught up with the two New Zealand films that Donaldson cut his teeth on as a director and which got him noticed internationally, Sleeping Dogs (1977) and Smash Palace (1981). I don’t want to go into too much detail but having finally watched them I wanted to write a little about them, because both of them are excellent.
Sleeping Dogs was Donaldson’s first film and tells the story of a loner, simply known as Smith (a very young Sam Neill), who is estranged from his family and living in a remote part of the country when he is reluctantly swept up in an underground revolutionary movement that is fighting against a right-wing dictatorial government that has taken over New Zealand.… Read more
Posted in 1980s American crime films, 1990s American crime films, Bryan Brown, Crime fiction and film from New Zealand, Dystopian cinema
Tagged Anna Maria Monticelli, Bruno Lawrence, Cocktail (1988), Greer Robson, Hunt For the Wilderpeople (2016), No Way Out (1987), Roger Donaldson, Sam Neill, Sleeping Dogs (1977), Smash Palace (1981), Taika Waititi, The Bounty (1984), The Getaway (1994), Warren Oates, White Sands (1992)
Stick with me son and I’ll make you a star: 5 great Bryan Brown roles
On a whim several weeks ago I re-watched the 1986 movie, F/X. Although largely forgotten now, F/X was a big deal at the time, at least here in Australia. This was mainly because it starred a local actor, Bryan Brown. Brown was working in Hollywood for much of the latter part of the eighties and an Australian star getting top billing in a Hollywood film was not as common as is now. It must have done well in the US, too, because there was a sequel, imaginatively titled F/X 2, released in 1991 and also starring Brown.
The plot of F/X involved an Australian special effects technician, Roland ‘Rollie’ Tyler (Brown), who for some unspecified reason can’t return to home and is making a living working on various B-grade horror and crime flicks in New York. A cop attached to the witness protection program, Lipton (Cliff de Young), approaches Rollie to help out with a senior member of the New York mob, DeFranco (played by Jerry Orbach) who has turned informant. Lipton believes the best way to ensure the mob won’t come after DeFranco is to stage his assassination and he wants to pay Rollie a lot of money to help with the technical aspects of making sure it looks realistic, including acting as the assassin.… Read more
Posted in Australian crime film, Australian popular culture, Bryan Brown, Crime film
Tagged Beautiful Kate (2009), Ben Medelson, Bob Jewson, Breaker Morant (1980), Brian Dennehy, Bruce Beresford, Bryan Brown, Bud Tingwell, Cocktail (1988), Diane Venora, Everynight… Everynight (1984), F/X (1986), F/X 2 (1991), Far East (1982), Ghosts of the Civil Dead (1988), Graham Kennedy, Helen Morse, Jerry Orbach, John Hargreaves, John Jarratt, Money Movers (1978), Newton Thornburg, Rachel Griffiths, Rachel Ward, Sophie Lowe, Stir (1980), Terence Donovan, The Odd Angry Shot (1979), William Nagle